Thursday, September 9, 2010

It happened a few days before Easter Sunday. A simple idea ignited a passion in me that spawned a  retail business. TAILGATES! Yes, Dan and I conjured up Tailgates. The flood gates of creativity and desire launched us on July 24th at Fitch's Corner Horse Trials. We incorporated and became weekend retailers. Our business plan requires that we attend at least 17 venues a year on weekends at events where we can pop up our follie and sell. We love tailgating and picnic parties so it was easy to imagine all of the accessories that make up the perfect outdoor movable feast.  The baskets and bags to carry or wheel to the venue, the revolutionary thermos bowls to keep food fresh. The elegant champagne bucket with stand, the melamine plates and trays, cheese boards, martini travel set and the ideas keep coming.  Dan produced beautiful lacquered trays with collages under impervious finishes and i designed the folding Camp table.
Alex Ross, of Public Relations firm 30 Segundos designed our logo and colors. He also art directed the photo shoot of our dress rehearsal before the launch on the driveway at "Beyond Time" . It was picture perfect!
So our weekend adventures began. We concentrated on venues that appeal to our spectator sport enthusiasm. Horses, Polo, car racing, antique cars, crew, sailing, hot air ballooning etc. Please help us with suggestions on where we should go next!
I make a press release for each up-coming event and launch or promote a new product.

This was the press release for our launch:

A new joint venture TAILGATES

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Connecting to the people and things that I love

Simplicity, suitability and proportion.
Elsie de Wolfe